How are Opt-In, Opt-Out and Confirm dates populated?
A contact's Opt-In or Opt-Out date can be populated several different ways.
The Opt-In date is populated if:
  • A list is uploaded into NCR Customer Connect, using a .csv file and the opt-in field is populated
  • The contact subscribes on your website
  • The NCR Counterpoint POS flag, on the customer record, is set to send emails to the customer.
    Note: When the customer record is created, the default setting opts in the customer.
    • In V7, the flag is labeled "Marketing?" and defaults to "Yes.
    • In V8 (8.4.3 and above), the flag is labeled "Opt-out from marketing emails" and the check box is NOT selected

The Opt-Out date is populated if:

  • A "Do Not Mail" list is uploaded into NCR Customer Connect
  • The contact unsubscribes using the link in the footer of an email or marks the email as spam
  • The contact unsubscribes on your website
  • The NCR Counterpoint POS flag, on the customer record, is updated to NOT send emails to the customer
    • In V7, the "Marketing?" flag is set to "No"
    • In V8 (8.4.3 and above), the "Opt-out from marketing emails" is selected

The Confirm date is applied when the Confirmed Opt-In feature is enabled.

  • When enabling the Confirmed Opt-In feature, all contacts in NCR Customer Connect are grandfathered into the feature and their confirm dates are populated with the date the feature is enabled.
  • Going forward, all new contacts' confirm date is populated when they click on the CONFIRM SUBSCRIPTION button within their confirm email.
  • If you choose to send a reconfirm email to existing contacts, the contacts' confirm date is first cleared then re-populated when they click on the CONFIRM SUBSCRIPTION button within the reconfirm email.