View/Manage Contact Email Addresses

The Manage/Contacts tab provides several functions:

View Contacts
View contacts within NCR Customer Connect.

Confirmed Opt-In Disabled - The following columns are available on the page:
  • Email Address - contact's email address
  • First Name - contact's first name
  • Last Name - contact's last name
  • Customer Number - contact's customer number (if applicable)
  • Opt In - contact's opt in date (if applicable)
  • Opt Out - contact's opt out date (if applicable)
  • Valid - whether the contact's email address is valid

Confirmed Opt-In Enabled - The following columns are available on the page:

  • Email Address - contact's email address
  • First Name - contact's first name
  • Last Name - contact's last name
  • Customer Number - contact's customer number (if applicable)
  • Confirm - contact's confirm date (if applicable)
    For new contacts, this is the date the contact selected the confirm subscription button within the confirm email.
    For current contacts, this is the date the Confirmed Opt-In feature was enabled and contacts were grandfathered in or the date a contact selected the confirm subscription button within the reconfirm email, if one was sent.  
    Click here for details about Confirmed Opt-In.
  • Opt Out - contact's opt out date (if applicable)
  • Valid - whether the contact's email address is valid

When entering the Manage/Contacts page, the default view displays all Active contacts. Active contacts are those who have been sent email. It does not include Invalid, UnverifiedOpt-outs, or Deleted contacts. To view any of those contacts, change the status using the Status filter and press Refresh. An (All) status is also available which displays all contact statuses, except Deleted contacts.

Several filters are available to help you search for or view specific contacts. The filters include:

  • Email - enter any part of an email address then press Refresh.
  • Customer # - enter any part of the customer number then press Refresh.
  • Type - drop down options include All, Customer or Prospect then press Refresh.
  • Status - choose one of the drop down options below then press Refresh.
    • Active - Contacts you have sent email to.
    • Invalid - Contacts whose email address is not valid. For example, an ISP rejected the address or it does not follow basic formatting standards.
    • Unverified - Contacts you have not sent email to.
    • Deleted - Contacts who have been deleted using the Manage/Contacts page.
    • Opted Out - Contacts who have opted out/unsubscribed from your emails.
    • Unconfirmed (only available if Confirmed Opt-In is enabled) - Contacts who have been sent a confirm/reconfirm email who have not selected the confirm subscription button.
  • List - select from uploaded contact lists, which were created using the Manage/Lists tab, then press Refresh.
  • Segment - select contacts used in a segment, that was built on Campaigns/Step 4, then press Refresh. This filter allows you to view only the ActiveUnverified  & All 'Status:'.

Choose any combination of the above filters, then press Refresh.


  • If a contact has an invalid email address and is also opted out, they will be counted and displayed under Status: Invalid.
  • Although, deleting a contact overwrites all statuses. So, when deleting a contact they are counted and displayed under Status: Deleted even if the contact is also invalid, opted out or etc.

Edit/Change Contact Data
You may modify a contact's email address, first and last name by following these steps:

Find the contact you'd like to modify, using the filters mentioned above.

  1. Click on and highlight the record you'd like to edit.
  2. A box appears at the bottom of the screen including the email address, first name and last name. 
  3. Make modifications to any of the fields displayed.
  4. Select Save.

Delete Contacts
You may delete a contact's record within NCR Customer Connect by following these steps:
  1. Find the contact(s) you'd like to delete, using the filters mentioned above.
  2. Select one or more contacts to be deleted.
  • To delete a few contacts: 
    Check the box(es) along the left side of the contact's email address and press the Delete button, to delete the selected contacts. A Please Confirm window appears asking, "Are you sure you want to delete the selected contacts?" Choose OK if you are sure and Cancel if you are not sure.
  • To delete all contacts on all pages:
    Select the Delete All button. This deletes the contacts on all pages, not just the one currently viewed. 
    A Please Confirm window appears asking, "Are you sure you want to delete all # contacts?" The # is filled with the number of all contacts. Choose OK if you are sure and Cancel if you are not sure.
  • To delete all contacts on the current page only:
    Check the box
    located in the header row (found next to the column titled Email Address). Selecting this box places a check mark next to each contact record on the current page only, then press the Delete button. A Please Confirm window appears asking, "Are you sure you want to delete the selected contacts?" Choose OK if you are sure and Cancel if you are not sure.

  • Deleted contacts are removed from the Active contact list, which means they may not receive future email communications from your business. When you choose to delete a contact, it's the same as saying you want to remove them from NCR Customer Connect.
  • Deleting a contact will not remove them from your current monthly billing statement. If the contact was ever Active during the month, you will get billed for them in the month they were Active.
  • To clean up your contact list, delete all invalid email addresses. For example, addresses with phone numbers in them, etc. If a deleted contact receives an updated email address in NCR Counterpoint, the new address will be updated in your next data upload to NCR Customer Connect. Though, the contact remains deleted in NCR Customer Connect until you undelete them manually in the application.
  • A deleted contact overwrites all other Statuses. So if a contact has both an invalid email address and is deleted, the contact will be displayed under Status: Deleted.
View Deleted contacts:

Change the Status filter to Deleted and press Refresh. The list of deleted contacts are displayed. 

Undelete Deleted contacts:
If you deleted a contact by mistake, you can undelete contacts. 

  • To undelete a few contacts:
    Check the box(es) along the left side of the contact's email address and press the Undelete button, to undelete the selected contacts. A Please Confirm window appears asking, "Are you sure you want to undelete the selected contacts?" Choose OK if you are sure and Cancel if you are not sure.
  • To undelete all contacts on all pages:
    Select the Undelete All button. This undeletes the contacts on all pages, not just the one currently viewed. A Please Confirm window appears asking, "Are you sure you want to undelete all # contacts?" The # is filled with the number of all contacts. Choose OK if you are sure and Cancel if you are not sure.
  • To undelete all contacts on the current page only:
    Check the box located in the header row (found next to the column titled Email Address). Selecting this box places a check mark next to each contact record on the current page only, then press the Undelete button.

All undeleted contacts are returned to an Active status.

Send a Reconfirm Email - available only if Confirmed Opt-In is enabled
Please review the help article named How to Enable Confirmed Opt-In and its Benefits for all details. Review the sections titled Feature Overview and Reconfirm Email Process for the necessary steps.

Additional Features

Sort the list by any column available by clicking on the column name. Click the column multiple times to switch it from ascending to descending order.

  • Change the number of contacts viewed on a page (10, 25, 50 or 100), located on the bottom right side of the page. To optimize the load time of the Manage/Contacts page, the number selected is forgotten if you navigate to another page and return. 
  • Export your contacts to a .CSV or .PDF, by clicking on the appropriate link, located on the bottom left side of the page. 
  • Manage invalid or malformed email addresses for all contacts. Use the Status filter to search for all invalid email addresses and make corrections for addresses missing common data. For example, "." or "@" may be missing from the address. It may also have an incorrect email service provider like "" which should be "", etc.