Social Media Engagement

Social Media Engagement can be found on the Results/Social Media tab. This report provides statistics on emails posted to social media sites or clicked on within social media sites. It consists of five columns: Email Name, Site, Clicks, Post Time & Status. See details below for a description of each. The three important pieces of data from this report are Post Time, Status & Clicks. 

Email Name - This is the descriptive name that helps you identify the email; it is not the email subject line.

- This is the name of the social media site the email was posted to.

Clicks - This is the number of clicks made on the social media email post. Each of the following actions, within the social media application, represents a single click.

  • Clicking on the email link posted to view the email, within any social media application.
  • Users who search on topics that return your post may click on it to see if it's relevent to their search.
  • Web bots that look at every social media post. A web bot is a software application that runs automated tasks over the internet. For example, Facebook & Twitter verify your links are good as they scrape content, preview images, etc. Web bots are used in search engines, academic research, businesses looking at product demand and/or performing sentiment analysis, etc. 
    Note: NCR Customer Connect attempts to minimize these false clicks by looking at the (user agent) header to exclude these views and those from search engines (Google, Bing, etc), but we are unable to exclude all of them so some counts may be false. We are filtering out/excluding the user agents that contain the following text: Facebookexternalhit, Twitterbot, TweetedTimes Bot, ShowyouBot, Googlebot, BingBot & Yahoo! Slurp. 
    These are examples of normal browser user agent strings that won't be hit by the filters listed:
    Chrome: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/41.0.2228.0 Safari/537.36
    Firefox: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; rv:36.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/36.0
    IE: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible, MSIE 11, Windows NT 6.3; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko

Post Time - This is the date and time the email was posted to a social media site. On Campaign/Step 8, if the email/social media post has a scheduled date & time the email is posted to social media at the scheduled date & time.

Status - This information quickly provides you confirmation of your social media post without having to log in to your social media account. There are three available statuses:

  • Success - the email posted to the social media site
  • Failure - the email did not post to the social media site for some reason other than revoked access (network connection down, etc). This status is used when Customer Connect isn't provided a reason for the failure.
    Note: Failed posts are not automatically reposted. If you'd like to post a failed email post, you must open the email and manually navigate to Campaign/Step 8, select the channel you'd like to post to and select Schedule.
  • Access Revoked - the email did not post to the social media site because access has been revoked. Review # 3 of this link, for more details.

To view Social Media Engagement results for a particular campaign, email, email submission, site or date range use the filters available at the top of the Results/Social Media screen. Use the drop down box located next to:

  • Campaign - to view email posts associated to a specific campaign. 
  • Email - to view email posts associated to a specific email.
  • Submission - to view email posts associated to a specific email submission.
  • Site - to view email posted to a specific social media site. This filter excludes posts that have zero clicks.
  • Start/End Date - to view email whose post date or click date occurred within a specific date range. Including click date gives you the ability to see if older email posts are getting attention after the date is was posted.