How to Upload Images

NCR Customer Connect provides the option to upload a single image, multiple images or a zip file of images.

1. Choose the image/images/zip file you'd like to upload and save it in a location you can access from NCR Customer Connect.

2. In NCR Customer Connect, navigate to Manage/Images and click on the Upload Images button, located on the bottom left side.

3. An Upload Images window appears; select the browse button to choose the image/images/zip file saved on step 1.
4. Review the agreement statement and if it's true click the check box stating, "I agree that these image(s) and my use in my marketing emails abide with the Terms & Conditions that I agreed upon registering as a NCR Customer Connect user."
5. Select the Upload button to upload images. The File Name and Upload Status is displayed after the upload is complete. If a Success status is not displayed, the image needs to be corrected and uploaded again. The upload status includes what needs to be corrected. Upload Status examples are:
  • Success
  • File too large. File must be less than 350KB.
  • Invalid Image Format. Image must be JPG, PNG, or GIF.
  • Zip file must be less than 10MB.
  • Image names may not contain spaces.
Note: When uploading multiple images, if one fails it doesn't stop the others from uploading.
6. Repeat steps 1-5 until all images are uploaded successfully.
7. Select Close when finished. These images are added to your image library and are available for use during the Campaign creation process.

For more information:

Click here for image guidelines.

Click here for tips on cropping and resizing images within NCR Customer Connect.

Click here for instructions on how to add a URL or ALT text to images.