How do you calculate the revenue attributed to an Email?

Revenue can be attributed to an email in two ways:

1) A consecutive number of days from the email send date can be selected to attribute sales toward the campaign. The number of days can be modified by the merchant. If this option is chosen, sales generated by email recipients on the email send date plus the number of days specified are attributed towards the campaign. This option can be used on both recurring & non-recurring emails.

2) A targeted day or date range can be selected to attribute sales toward the campaign. The date(s) selected can start on the email send date or be a date in the future. If this option is chosen, sales generated by email recipients only on the dates specified are attributed towards the campaign. This option can be used on non-recurring emails only.

For both these options:

  • If an email recipient receives more than one email and the sales attribution dates (sales date range) overlap, the revenue will be attributed to the most recent email campaign received by the recipient.
  • Revenue will only be attributed to the campaign if sales are made by a customer who received the email and has a customer record.
  • Sales made to "Cash" or "Walk-In" customer will never be attributed to an email campaign. This is true only if a default customer record is created and used in NCR Counterpoint for "Cash" or "Walk-In" customers. See notes below for additional details.


  • "Cash" or "Walk-In" customer means a pre-programmed customer record named "Cash" or "Walk-In" customer was used. Since these customers are not identified with their own unique customer number their purchase history cannot be tracked or attributed to an email campaign. 
  • A default customer number must be created for a "Cash" or "Walk-In" customer. Create a default customer number in NCR Counterpoint under Setup/Point of Sale/Stores/Main/Other. If you choose to not create a default customer record, you must use the Opt Out marketing email flag in the customer record when checking out "Cash" or "Walk-In" customers.

Click here for more information on how to select/modify the sale dates attributed to an email.

Click here for more information about the Redeems column found on the Results/Campaign tab.

To Export and View the tickets attributed to a Campaign:

  • Click on the amount located under the Purchases column, found on the Results/Campaign or Results/Purchases tab.
  • When prompted select Open/Save to open/save the tickets to a .CSV file, then select OK.

Note: If you have multiple emails within a campaign or have submitted an email more than once, click on the Purchases column found under Email Results or Submission Results. This will provide a targeted ticket list per email or per submission.

Click here for information on how to export any results to a .CSV or .PDF file format.