Viewing Opened Email Data
The Opens column, located on the Results/Campaigns tab, lists the percentage of people who opened an email. Hovering your mouse cursor over the percentage displays the total number of people who opened the email.

Click on this percentage value to view the email addresses of those who opened the email.
Note:  The opens contact data is only available for the last 90 days. You may backup these results for future review by exporting them to .CSV/.PDF format.

Opened data can be viewed on each of the three drill down levels on this page:
1st Level - Campaign Results – the total number of opens for all emails sent within the campaign
2nd Level - Email Results – the number of opens are separated by email within the campaign (if more than one email was created as a part of the campaign)
3rd Level - Submission Results – if an email within a campaign was sent multiple times, the number of opens for each submission can be found here

The Opens list:
• Includes the recipient's email address, first name, last name, customer number and opt in date.
• Can be filtered on email address, customer number, or type (customer or prospect).
• Can be exported to a file.

People who are not accounted for in the OPENS column are:
• Recipients who have disabled automatic loading of pictures.
• Recipients who use handheld devices to view email - many older handheld devices do not render HTML so an open is not triggered.
• List fatigue - these days recipients receive so much email they sometimes choose to review the subject or the from address and delete emails without even opening them.

Click here for tips on how to increase your open rate.

Click here for information on how to export your results to a .CSV/.PDF file format.